Voluntary Action Center

We are here to support the needs of the members of our community through our nutrition and transportation programs. Voluntary Action Center operates our programs in DeKalb, Kendall, LaSalle, Bureau, and Putnam Counties, IL.


Thursday, May 16

THURSDAY, May 23, 2024

Thank you for your support over the last 50 years in Northern Illinois and 20 years in LaSalle, Bureau & Putnam Counties!

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Teachers play a critical role in educating and shaping our children into the future leaders of our country. These kind, patient, hard-working, dedicated, and understanding professionals help mold and guide our children in a positive direction. We entrust our children with teachers during the school year; they play a pivotal role in their daily lives.

Thank you, teachers!

Teachers play a critical role in educating and shaping our children into the future leaders of our country. These kind, patient, hard-working, dedicated, and understanding professionals help mold and guide our children in a positive direction. We entrust our children with teachers during the school year; they play a pivotal role in their daily lives.

Thank you, teachers!

Let's come together and show our support for #WishboneDay!

May 6th, we celebrate strength, resilience, and awareness for osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), or brittle bone disease. Let's spread love, understanding, and solidarity to those with OI and their families. Let's break the stigma and build a world where everyone feels seen, supported, and empowered.

#WishboneDay #OIawareness #BreakTheStigma

Let`s come together and show our support for #WishboneDay!

May 6th, we celebrate strength, resilience, and awareness for osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), or brittle bone disease. Let`s spread love, understanding, and solidarity to those with OI and their families. Let`s break the stigma and build a world where everyone feels seen, supported, and empowered.

#WishboneDay #OIawareness #BreakTheStigma

Hearts of kindness glow,
Your kindness fuels our mission,
Gratitude takes flight.

Thank you, donors, for your generous support of Voluntary Action Center!

#GiveDeKalbCounty #vacofni #mealsonwheels #transvac

Hearts of kindness glow,
Your kindness fuels our mission,
Gratitude takes flight.

Thank you, donors, for your generous support of Voluntary Action Center!

#GiveDeKalbCounty #vacofni #mealsonwheels #transvac

Thank you, The Lincoln Inn at Faranda's, for your Fish Fry Partnership during Lent 2024!
Your support of VAC and so many other agencies in the community does not go 

#vacofni #mealsonwheels #transvac #fishfryfridays🐟

Thank you, The Lincoln Inn at Faranda`s, for your Fish Fry Partnership during Lent 2024!
Your support of VAC and so many other agencies in the community does not go

#vacofni #mealsonwheels #transvac #fishfryfridays🐟

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